Kettlebell Workouts:  
  • Warm Up (3 sets): 

jump rope  - 2 min

  • STATIONS  (30 minutes total):   Complete each exercise for 3 sets (with a 30 sec rest in between before moving to next)

10 single leg deadlifts, switch sides

15 Back leg kick w/band, switch sides

5 full push ups, 10 half pushups, 5 full..

15 KB dbl arm swings 

Side leg kicks w/band, switch sides

100 flys

5 full push ups, 10 half pushups, 5 full..

10 high pulls, switch sides

10 ring pull ups

5 full push ups, 10 half pushups, 5 full..



One of the biggest mistakes novices make with kettlebell training is not taking a session or two with a certified trainer. The trainer can help you to learn proper form as well as be more creative with the movements.  Sure, you can hold the weight in front of your chest as you do squats or lunges or use it to do arm curls, but if that's all you do, you'll be missing out on all the incredible three-dimensional movements it's made for—and the effects those exercises can have on your body. By swinging the bell in different patterns, and then controlling the momentum to change directions, you tap into big powerhouse muscles (like your legs and butt) and smaller stability muscles (like your abs) throughout the workout. 


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